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the Case Study
Step 01
tHE idea
The Objective
The scientific journal editor proposes illustration services to authors who wish to publish in their peer-reviwed journal.
As scientific graphic designer, I then intervene to adapt the author's graphical abstract or figure to journal guidelines and style.
Step 02
tHE brief
CVR - Cardiovascular Research
Peer-reviewed journal - IF: 10.9
Journal style
Editor's guidelines include a precise format for the figure: 510.24 px x 510.24 px (formatted in cm).
Myriad Pro font is preferred and should not be smaller than 10 pt
Colors should be adapted for color-blind people:
elements that need to be identified or differentiated need to be seen by at least the most common types of color blindness (Protanopia and Deuteranopia).
A color palette has been defined in agreement with the editor.
Step 03
tHE abstract
Emerging epigenetic therapies of cardiac fibrosis and remodelling in heart failure: from basic mechanisms to early clinical development
Cardiovascular diseases and specifically heart failure (HF) impact global health and impose a significant economic burden on society. Despite current advances in standard of care, the risks for death and readmission of HF patients remain unacceptably high and new therapeutic strategies to limit HF progression are highly sought. In disease settings, persistent mechanical or neurohormonal stress to the myocardium triggers maladaptive cardiac remodelling, which alters cardiac function and structure at both the molecular and cellular levels. The progression and magnitude of maladaptive cardiac remodelling ultimately leads to the development of HF. Classical therapies for HF are largely protein-based and mostly are targeted to ameliorate the dysregulation of neuroendocrine pathways and halt adverse remodelling. More recently, investigation of novel molecular targets and the application of cellular therapies, epigenetic modifications, and regulatory RNAs has uncovered promising new avenues to address HF. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on novel cellular and epigenetic therapies and focus on two non-coding RNA-based strategies that reached the phase of early clinical development to counteract cardiac remodelling and HF. The current status of the development of translating those novel therapies to clinical practice, limitations, and future perspectives are additionally discussed.
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